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WASHER (PKG of 10)

$60.50 - Package of 10 (cannot be sold in single pieces)
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Product Description

Used in models:FP240, 770N2, FP230, 722R, 770R, 717R2, 822, 880, 717N2, LX885, L150, LX465, L565, L170, LX565, L160, LS170, L865, LS150, LX865, LS160, L140, L465, LX665, LX485, LS140, 1118, 910, 1116, 499, 1112, 1114, 912, 460, 1085, 461, 1078, 1079, 1116H, 654, 273, BR780, BR7080, BR770A, 660, 678, 688, BR7070, 640, BB940AP, 275, 648, 590C, BB940P, BR750, 650, BR740, 658, BR7090, BR750A, BR740A, BR780A, BR7060, 644, 664, CX8070, CX860, CR970, TR98, CX8090, TR97, TR99, TR89, CR960, CR940, CX840, CR920, CX880, CX8080, 766, 735, 354, 357, 340, 350, 765, 736, 352

Additional Information

Part Number 322
Section Crop Processing
Weight 0.77

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